Monday, May 4, 2009

Just to let you know... we are still here. After making the decision to blog, we have lost our wireless network! Waiting for my computer man to call me back and come back out here! I do have a great story- once I am wireless again!

Monday, April 27, 2009

On the Wagon

After much consideration, I am finally jumping on the band wagon! I am planning to use my blog to keep track of all of the funny things we do. I quit work in March of 2006 about three weeks before S was born. It was definitely the best decision I have ever made. S was born in April 2006, and R joined the family in December 2007. Needless to say, they keep me on my toes.

Today, I went into the nursery to get R up from her morning nap. She somehow had taken off her shirt and diaper! I think this is quite impressive from a 16 month old! She was standing there- quite proud of herself- in a huge puddle of tee-tee...